
Recent Highlights & Latest News

Unhampered Generosity

Thanks to the incredible generosity of some of our supporters, we’ve been busy delivering 75 Christmas hampers to families in East and West Leeds in the last few days.

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Christmas Heroes

We want to tell you about Bruntwood and Sedulo – two businesses with bases in Leeds who have been heroic for our children this Christmas. But first, this is why what they’ve done is so important and so kind.

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Autumnal Growth

This year has started with a flourish at FFL, seeing a plethora of groups blossom throughout the term as the team have got to work in schools and community centres around Leeds.

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Meet the new Interns!

We are really pleased to announce that Flourishing Families has taken on 3 new interns for the 2021/22 academic year!

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Story Tellers Outside!

With the success of Story Tellers Online and the Online Library, there was keen appetite to hold a Story Tellers group in person!

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Having a ball!

We had so much fun on Saturday celebrating the Euros 2020 with families in Beeston!

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190 Thank Yous!

We want to say a huge thank you to Waitrose and John Lewis and Partners for some very generous donations.

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Let’s Raise a Glass

We’d like to say a big thank you to local company Morley Glass for an extremely generous gift towards supporting families in Leeds.

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A Recipe for Change

A big thank you to the Two Ridings Community Foundation and their Bettys and Taylors Family Fund.

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Fellowship of the String

We're delighted to have re-launched our parents' craft group recently, meeting online in the evening when the day is winding down and most of the children are in bed.

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Keep Calm and Read On!

As Leeds has been battling with lockdown 3.0, FFL has been continuing to run its projects online with an aim of supporting families in this tricky time.

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Christmas 2020

We are thrilled to report that this Christmas we were able to provide large hampers of food for over 50 families in our community owing to the generous giving of many of our supporters.

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