
Food poverty, literacy struggles and low wellbeing are among the biggest challenges today.

In our city of Leeds, we work in communities that are in the most deprived 1-10% across the country. But numbers don’t tell you the whole story.

What does deprivation really look like?

Deprivation means children are going to school hungry, and their families don’t know where to turn or who to trust for help. Young people face challenges of low confidence and poor self-esteem and can often find it hard to do well at school. It’s so easy for families to get caught in cycles of intergenerational poverty, which makes it feel like there’s no hope for change. But we believe that by working together with local families, we can change this story.

Meet the team



I love working for FFL! Supporting families to thrive is something I feel very passionate about, and I get to lead a fantastic team of staff and volunteers who are dedicated to making a difference.

One of the things I enjoy most about my role is meeting lots of people and getting involved in different groups across my home city of Leeds.

Profile picture of a member of staff


Operations Manager

I am the Operations Manager for FFL. I work closely with our CEO Kate, look after the running of our building, and any other tasks that help the amazing staff at FFL make a difference to as many families as possible.

I am a mum to two small children, and as a family we love scooter trips to the park! I also love being creative, so any spare time is spent crocheting or sewing.


Project Manager

I work with the Family Cookery Clubs, where most of my time is spent creating tasty and nutritious meals with our families and developing new recipes to try out. In my spare time I am a great fan of baking bread, reading, and walking in the local woodland.

Profile picture of staff


Project Manager

I’m Bekah and I work part-time for Flourishing Families with the Story Tellers team. I was previously a secondary school teacher and love to help children develop a life-long love of books and reading. The rest of my time I spend as a photographer and mum to a cheeky one year old.


Project Worker

Hi! I’m Helen and I am part of the Family Cookery Club team. I used to volunteer for FFL and now I have the chance to work for this amazing charity.

I love helping families to cook well in our Family Cookery Clubs.  In my spare time, I enjoy days out with my family.






Project Worker

I am a Project Worker, and I spend time in both our Mentoring groups and our Storyteller groups. I attended Storytellers as a parent with my son, before volunteering, and then joining the FFL team! When I’m not at work, I enjoy playing games with my family.


Admin and Finance

I am a volunteer with Flourishing Families, helping with day-to-day administration and finance. I am a bit behind the scenes, but I also really enjoy helping out with family support. I like a good walk and spending time with family locally and abroad.


Graduate Intern

I am a student studying psychology with education and work part time for FFL. I help out in many of the groups, meaning I get to know lots of the amazing families we work with. In my spare time you’ll likely find me with a book or a crochet hook!


Graduate Intern

I’m Mia and I’m a Graduate Intern. I started volunteering with Flourishing Families during my time at university and I am so excited to work for such an amazing organisation! You’ll mostly find me at a Family Cookery Club helping families to cook tasty and nutritious food. When I’m not working, I enjoy relaxing with a good book.


Graduate Intern

I am a Graduate Intern and I mostly work with the Family Cookery Club team, where I help prepare delicious recipes to share with our families around Leeds. I used to volunteer with FFL and now get to be part of the team full time! In my spare time I love exploring Yorkshire with family and friends.


Graduate Intern

I’m Caroline and I’m a Graduate Intern at FFL. I am so excited to be a part of such an amazing charity that is all about children and families flourishing! You’ll mostly find me at a Mentoring group, helping children learn about resilience and their emotions, or developing a new group around play and family connections. When I’m not working, I enjoy going for coffee or working on an art project.


Undergraduate Intern

Hi, I’m Bella. I love meeting new people, and I am so excited to be part of the team! I am an
Undergraduate Intern, studying Psychology, working at Flourishing Families for my year in industry. I help out at a lot of groups, but you will mostly find me in one of our mentoring groups. In my spare time I love going on walks and catching up with friends.


Chair of Trustees

I have the privilege of leading the great team of volunteer trustees for Flourishing Families. We oversee the running of the charity. I also get to chat to our supporters about our work and all the exciting changes we’re seeing in the lives of families as we grow across the city. When I’m not at work, I enjoy walking my dog, Frisbee, or sitting in a boat at sea catching fish.


What we do

We work alongside communities to equip families with the skills they need to move forward. Our projects focus on healthy eating, literacy, parent support and mentoring. We get to know real people, hear their stories, and provide practical support where it’s needed.

We started out in February 2017, with three small pilot projects. Since then we have grown rapidly, enabling more and more families each year to directly benefit from our life-changing work. Flourishing Families continues to develop as an effective grass-roots charity, which is able to respond quickly and flexibly to the needs of local communities.

Family Cookery

Our cookery clubs bring families together for positive change

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Language & Literacy

Creative activities help families develop a love for reading

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Groups and mentoring equip children and families to flourish

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